Common Shipping Questions

Flat Rate Shipping Regardless of Order Quantity Based on Your Location:

$199: NY, NJ, CT, WV, VA, VT, TN, SC, PA, OH, NC, NH, MD, ME, GA, FL, CT

$299: TX, OK, MO, MS, KY, IN, IL, DE, AL, WI, RI, NE, MN, MI, MA, LA, KS, IA, ID, AR

$399: CA, WY, WA, UT, SD, OR, ND, NM, NV, MT, CO, AZ

Due to the Size, our products ship through a common carrier, which

Depending on your zone your shipping is a flat fee of 199$, 299$, 399$.

Once your at checkout, the zone will appear.

Contact us for more information.

Usually FedEx delivers on 3-4 business day.

Larger Orders with a third party shipping company may vary.

Contact us for more information.